Color Reference (English)
Size: 948 games; 53,365 utterances.
Description: Players saw three color swatches. Trials were split evenly among three conditions manipulating the context to give rise to different pragmatic language use. In the far condition, all three colors were far apart in space (e.g. one was reddish, one was greenish, one was blueish). In the split condition, the target was close to one of the other objects but far away from the other (e.g. two were reddish, one was blue). In the close condition, all three colors were close in space (e.g. three subtly different shades of red).
- gameid: unique identifier for game in which message was sent
- msgTime: time at which player sent message
- roundNum: round of game in which message was sent [1-50]
- condition: type of context for round [‘close’, ‘split’, ‘far’]
- role: role of player who sent message [‘speaker’, ‘listener’]
- workerid_uniq: unique, anonymized identifier of player who sent message to track across games
- contents: raw text of message
- clkTime: time at which listener clicked object to terminate round
- outcome: boolean denoting whether the listener picked the correct object [false, true]
- numOutcome: integer denoting whether the listener picked the correct object [0, 1]
- numRawWords, numRawChars: number of words/characters in raw message
- numCleanWords, numCleanChars: number of words/characters in cleaned message (stopwords removed)
- source: indicator that message game from human participant rather than model
- clickStatus: identity of object clicked by listener [target, distr1, distr2]
- clickColH,clickColS,clickColL: coordinate in HSL space of object clicked by listener
- clickLocS,clickLocL: location in array of object clicked: for speaker (S) and listener (L)
- alt1Status: identity of first alternative [target, distr1, distr2]
- alt1ColH,alt1ColS,alt1ColL: coordinate in HSL space of first alternative
- alt1LocS,alt1LocL: location in array of first alternative: for speaker (S) and listener (L)
- alt2Status: identity of second alternative [target, distr1, distr2]
- alt2ColH,alt2ColS,alt2ColL: coordinate in HSL space of second alternative
- alt2LocS,alt2LocL: location in array of second alternative: for speaker (S) and listener (L)
- targetD1Diff,targetD2Diff,D1D2Diff: delta-e 2000 distance in perceptually-normed LAB space between each pair of the three swatches
Raw data can be found with its own README on github.
Color Reference (Chinese)
Size: 175 games; 5,775 utterances.
Description: Chinese speakers performed the same task as above.
Columns: A subset of the above.
Raw, pre-filtered data can be found on github.
Monroe, W., Hu, J., Jong, A., & Potts, C. (2018). Generating Bilingual Pragmatic Color References. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.